Celebrating with families

What I did…

Two weeks before…
The three of us – October babies in the family

Mum with her famous roast lamb

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Actual day. Only 16 candles. Forever 16.  *Wink*

The spouse made arrangement and I had my birthday dinner at Jamie’s the next day

One page menu. Well, if your food is good, you really don’t need to have quantity

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How to go on special diet like that!

Nice food, great service. A little more light will be perfect

Two days after, the celebration continues. Running my first race with my girl
2.4KM, we finished the race. Short run but we will slowly increase…when?


别说又老了一岁 ,而是又成长了!

一年又匆匆忙忙得过了。回国也有一年多了,这一年到底是怎么过的呢?回想这一年,过得还不错。蛮有意义的。参加了 National Christian Woman Conference, Zumba Instructor Course, Parent Facilitating Course. 都是为了准备空巢来临的日子。差点忘记,还有参加 SCGS 1983 Class Reunion.

孩子们一天一天的长大,他们也要自己的空间,我也不能永远守住他们,风筝得线也要慢慢得放松(放松, 而不是放开)。 难道要守住一个空屋子吗,太没意思了!Boring!


还有,发现自己越成长,越不在乎别人怎么看我。你知道吗,越在乎, 越累。这是一个朋友写的, “懂我的人无须解释,不懂我的人解释亦是多余!清者自清。唯有一笑置之!笑眼看天下” 一句话, 赞!



A good old fashion card from a really long-time friend...30 plus years of friendship


The Hamlet in me at play again.

This past weekend was a very complex one, it is all about life. A cousin got married and we were there to celebrate. One of my cousins broke the news that our uncle is suffering from cancer, third stage, throat cancer. Then, we received news that we will soon have a new member added to the family.

A good friend mum who also had cancer is just waiting for the time. One of the lungs have already collapsed. Haiz…it is all part and parcel of life.

I felt sad for this uncle cos’ he is really a good man. A Christian, good husband, a good father. Non-smoker, non-gambler, non-womanizer.  不抽,不赌, 不嫖, 的好好男人.

It is one of those days where one question God “Why do bad things happen to good people?” A question with no answer. It is also a time where it is easy to blame God. What good is there to play the blaming game. I have been around to know that this is life and acceptance is the best way to go.
While I am being surrounded by people I love, I will just appreciate them and live my life to the fullest and eat to the fullest!

Incidentally, I have received my medical report and I have high cholesterol. My bad cholesterol is high, my good cholesterol is also high. Looks like I need to zumba more!

About the kids

Kai came home with his report book. Another straight As except for Chinese, E8 but I told him, it is still an improvement. He had a F9 for mid-year. It will get better. He has been selected to represent the school for the Inter-school Literature quiz organised by the National Library. Lots of exposure for him. I am happy.

Last week, we were at school to see him present at the school showcase nite.


Well done, my son.

At dinner today, I asked him how he felt about his secondary 1 experience. He said he felt very good. School life has been very exciting and interesting although there were more school work. However, we both agreed that he has been very consistent in his studies and at the end of the day, it has been a relatively, stress-free year.

In spite of being a teenager, I am very glad that he does not display the “teenager rebellious phase”. He has been very good and I have very much left him on his own.


Ann has been busy with her gifted education programme (GEP). She cleared round one of the selection test and that made her one of the top 10% of gifted kids in Singapore. She went for round two. She wanted to go and was very excited about it. She woke up really early and went for it. There was a pleasant surprise. At the test center, she met her BFF from Shanghai. They both attended the same school and have been friends since K2. She pray that both of them will make it to the GEP and be classmates once again.

This GEP thing, the only thing I did with her to prepare her was to tell her “you have to use a lot more of this (pointing to her head)”. With just that, off she went. Well, we will wait and see if she gets into the gifted programme. I know she is up to it. As for now, I am busy with getting her ready for her SA2.

My life is busy isn’t it? Busy for others!


Life goes on

Technology is a pain. It helps us, no doubt about it. It has made life much easier and information is literally at our fingertips but….like what my friend said “if the server mati, all is gone.”

I cannot imagine if there is a massive earthquake and the world wide web kaput. Men will be running around like a headless chicken.

Please bear with the picture-less entries. It will take some time for yours truly to drop them in one by one. Yes, I still have all the originals *smile*

My blogging continues…


Please excuse me as I sort out this ….my pictures are all gone.

If you happen to know or someone who knows how to retrieve photos from the Picasa Web album, please drop me a note at swoonll@yahoo.com.

Technology…can be a pain!

True, very true

If we have not learned to discipline our kids, we ought to start doing now.

Never miss it

I try my darnest not to miss any event which the kids are involved in. Even if it is a boring thing to do, I still try my best to be present. Especially for Ann. Her love language is TIME. She just love to have me around when she is participating in any event. I try as much as I can to fill up her gas tank with my TIME.

Through the years, I have been there…
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K2 Sports Day

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P1 Sports Day

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P2 Sports Day

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P3 Sports Day

Soon, very soon, they will all grow up. If not now, then when?

For once, a good change

Since coming home, I have seen many changes in my country. Changes which I do not think is good. Changes which make me think of moving again. However, this is one good change.


Guess what is this? (Toilet)

Guess where is this? (Inside the toilet)

This place was actually the old Turf City. What a change, a good change... finally.

So cool and calm

When my kids are so cool and calm during the exams period, do I panic or do I relax?

I think having been away is good cos’ Kai and Ann have absolutely no idea what exam stress is all about. It is good to keep it this way. I guess, I played a part in their attitude towards exams. I have always told them that whether it is CA, SA, just take it as mummy giving you an assessment. I think it works!